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(26 schools, 1956 students, 117 teachers, 198 parents/ other persons from community)

  • 18 football  matches and tournaments between pupils from schools and pupils of discriminated groups: minorities, other religions, disabilities, etc.

  • 11 other sport activities : handball, basketball, cheerleading, cross country, etc. with the inclusion of students in the target group

  • 17 meetings and debates about discrimination, racism and social violence, especially about violence in sport, with representatives of NGOs or community institutions

  • 7  Presentations and achievements of video, PPT, reports,  quizzes, etc. on the project

  • 8  lessons on project topic

  • 15 Workshops for creation of drawings and posters with messages against discrimination and 6th exhibition of works by students

  • 2 questionnaires


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    Pagina web creată de prof. Elena Rusu

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    Site actualizat în  noiembrie 2019



    creată de prof. Elena Rusu


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