F.A.R.E.-Football against racism and discrimination
FARE Football People action weeks
The only finalist project from Romania at
,,Global Junior Challenge" International Competition - October 2015 in Rome (Italy)
The 1.st prize winner in the category ,,Inspiring Practices ,, of LLL Awards 2016 european competition (Creativity and Inclusiveness)- october 2016-Brussels

this campaign is directly related to the fight against discrimination, focusing on discrimination in sport and in football. Activities organised aiming at the involvement of immigrants, ethnic minorities or other target groups (religious, with disabilities, sex, etc.)
The European Union (EU) combats discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, social or economic environment. Discrimination is one of the causes for which equality is not observed. It is known that in Romania, there are ethnic, religious groups or those with disabilities, who are often excluded from society.
,, Sport is an area of human activity that has a huge potential to bring together and to address everyone, regardless of age or social origin. In addition to the appearance of improving health of European citizens, sport has an educational dimension and a social, cultural role and recreation."
Our project meets the European values that promote equal opportunities and social inclusion through sport.
(,, The white paper on sport "-European Commission, 2007)

Flyere L.T.Emil Racoviţă Baia Mare
General aspects
Project theme:
fight against discrimination, racism and violence is a topical of interest both at national and european level through the sport.
The project proposes activities aimed eliminating prejudices and stereotypes, to promote dialogue, tolerance, intercultural awareness and solidarity, social inclusion and social challenge by bringing together target groups.
an european approach which discussed European values: tolerance, respect, unity, equality, social inclusion, etc
croscurricular approach by involving several disciplines:
Romanian and English Language,
physical education and Sport,
fine education/ art/ music

What lessons can others learn from our project?
Addressing cross curricular project involving more subjects (Romanian and English Language, Physical Education and Sport, Arts education, ICT, Music education, etc) defines an innovative method of teaching and learning.
Informal and nonformal mtehodes used in project is a requirement of quality education.
Although the basic theme is sports, many activities have led to a transdisciplinary approach to the educational process, through which students:
assume roles in the team, developing prosocial behavior,
develop their learning to learn competence
develop their critical and creative thinking
develop their language skills
develop the ability to solve problems in new situations encountered by applying acquired knowledge
Students and teachers generate new ideas, so that the virtual environment, we could participate in an exchange of experiences and best practices where creativity, imagination and innovation have played a very important role.
The project addresses to all age groups, regardless of gender, religion, physical condition, social environement , etc, so that the proposed activities can be adapted to the requirements, needs, material conditions.