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Diploma -Sport si Antidiscriminare-2
Diploma Global Junior Challenge 2015
diploma gala voluntar 12.12.2014+2
Diploma Conferință 9 mai 2015
Diplomă eTwinning
  • The prize winner in the category ,,Inspiring Practices,,

  • of  european competition  ,,LLLAwards 2016,, (Creativity and Inclusiveness)

  • - october 2016-Brussels

First place - ,,Sport and Anti-Discrimination,, magazine
at the international competition of school magazines :,, Youth and journalism,, in June 2016

Finalist project at international competition 

,,Global Junior Challenge” GJC 2015 - Rome, ITaly

The seventh edition of the Global Junior Challenge 2015

The Global Junior Challenge is the international competition that rewards the innovative use of technology for the education of 21st century and the social inclusion. Promoted by the Municipality of Rome the GJC is hosted every two years by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale under the High Patronage of the Italian Presidency.

The GJC is a unique opportunity to reflect on the importance of the challenges posed by 21st century education and the role of technology in didactic innovation, social innnovation, development and the reduction of world poverty.

Finalist at the NATIONAL GALA project volunteers,

December 2014

In  National Competition Volunteer Awards 2014, Supersport Club Baia Mare in partnership with high school Emil Racoviţă Baia Mare received the distinction of finalist in the category of volutarial Project of the year, sports and recreation section, nomination due to the achievements of the project ,,The action week against racism and discrimination through sport FARE-2014 ", carried out within the framework of the European year against racism, Football in Europe".

Participation in the Conference

,,Our world, our dignity, our future",  may 9, 2015

Project and best practice guide were presented at the Conference organized by the Europe Direct Center of Maramures in Europe day

The project was included in the educational platform eTwinning

ETwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through information and communication technologies (ICT) by providing support, tools and services to schools.

The project has received the diploma of eTwinning partnership with partners from Turkey, Greece and Italy



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    Pagina web creată de prof. Elena Rusu

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    Site actualizat în  noiembrie 2019



    creată de prof. Elena Rusu


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